Monday, March 05, 2007


So several weeks ago, more than a month in fact I went up to Mizzou to apply for an Army ROTC scholarship. After being told that I had a very competitive application I was told they would make their choice by the 26th of Jan....Needless to say, it's been more than a month. My prayers were always for God to close the door if I wasn't supposed to go the way of Army. But to keep the door open and let everything go smoothly if I was. After thinking that too much time had passed and a settled spirit about not doing the ROTC program, I have received a letter. I am approved for the Army ROTC 4 year scholarship. If I so choose to except I will, starting my sophomore year, be obligated to serve 8 years after I graduate. 4 years active duty, and 4 non-active. I've told people I thought this a good idea because nowadays I would build many student loans up and take several years to pay them off. Or I could go the way of the Army, have all my tuition paid for, and have a job as soon as I graduate. The issue is still convincing myself of that.
As soon as I opened the letter and found to my suprise that I was accepted I thought, I'll fast all day tomorrow and really settle down and pray about it, making sure it's God's will.....One problem with that. Many times, although most people don't realize it, prayer can be a hinderance. It can get in the way when God has already told you yes. It acts as a blockade.(I'll elaborate if anyone would like) Many times we're wanting God to lay everything out for us to see, to know everything before we take a step forward. Most of the time God wants us to step out not knowing everything, and in that initial moment we're relying entirely on Him.
I'm willing to step forward. Nervously yet calm I plan to attend Westminster on a Army ROTC 4 year scholarship. You could say, "I'm stepping with certainty into the uncertain."