Friday, November 12, 2010

My Heart

I was payed a high compliment awhile back and it stuck deep in my heart. This compliment was payed by an old family friend which until recently had only been around me until I was nine years old. Twelve years later I was blessed with the opportunity to come in contact with him again. During the few days of interaction with him my demeanor had apparently so impressed him, that he started speaking of his grand daughter. Ultimately the compliment payed to me was that he hoped one day his grand daughter might meet a young man like me. This encouraged and blessed me greatly. Although I do not believe I am yet such a man, I believe as I continue seeking after God that I will one day become such a man. A man I imagine with character absolute and values strong and true, able to offer a helping hand at any time.

This began a thought, this thought turned into a musing, this musing became an idea, and that idea bloomed into the hope of what the converse might be. What might this woman look like, what values and virtues might she hold? So I asked God, "What would she be like?" To my mind he reminded me of two ideas, one a quote, the other a desire. The first of which, is that

She be so lost in God, that I must seek Him to find her. The second, That she loves God more than she loves me.

Perhaps one stipulates the other, I don't know. What I do know, and hope, and pray for, is that one day I might meet that young woman who was told, "I hope my grandson might meet a young woman like you some day."