Hello all, as some of you have learned I am back. OSAI was very enjoyable, but draining. Each day I carted the harp about a mile a day. The bridge over to rehearsal was around a quarter of a mile for one thing. I made lots of new friends, and learned gobs and gobs of new things. (gobs, now there's a good word) Anywho, The conductor for the first week was quite interesting, exuberant or eccentric might be words used to describe him. And he wanted everything over tempo, which was difficult for me. However he was a really cool guy. Right before he left he started playing cards with several people including me. We decided to teach him how to play Mau. In case anyone doesn't know what that game is here are the Guidelines:
1- No discussing the rules
2- It's alot like Uno (hint hint)
3- If you win then you get to make a new rule.
Suprisingly enough he really started to pick it up quickly.
Here's some more pics of some of my new friends.

from left to right it's: Kelsey, Cari, Another girl ( I don't remember her name!) then Carl.
The guy in the next picture is John. he's 15. We were talking about making a shirt for tall people. titled "F.A.Q" (frequently asked questions)
1. "Wow! How tall are you?"
2. "Do you play basketball?"
3. "Why Not?"
Anyway that's all for now about camp. God Bless and I'll post again later. In Him, Stephan
p.s. If that last post got 30 comments, and it wasn't even me, then I'm going to be dissapointed if I don't get at least thaton this post.
Yay! Stephan is Back!!
wow that guy is really tall.
How tall is he?
Does He play basketball?
It's good to have you back!!!
Arg... Katina beat me to the questions...
Welcome back Stephan!
Wecome Back! Jessie and I designed a shirt for you, but it wasn't about being tall. You can ask me about it later if you are curious.
Welcome back! Your blog just wasn't the same with out you here. ;-)
Welcome back, Stephan!
Welcome back!
haha i was looking at that picture of you and the taller guy, and it took me a few seconds to finally realize that you are still tall. i dunno, but that picture makes you totallly look not at all tall. so how did you get your site back?
Hey you should come leave me a comment on my site... how are you doing whats new??....
Oh, so THAT'S why David should know who you are! Hmm... Have you tried threatening to have him arrested for stealing your site?
Haha The last time I saw You and John in that pic I didn't notice the guy to your right. He looks tiny!! Of course he is somewhat behind y'all too, but that is halairious!!
hey where were you sunday?
Stephan!!!!! omg..i miss you.. i hope you had a wonderful time at quartz.. i loved it.. hey you should send me your pictures cuz i want them!! im hey that picture had me in it.. dude your never online and you should so email me cuz i want to hear from you.. maybe we can talk now?? please!! lol.. my email is Friends19Forever@aol.com so email me.. cuz i said so...
stephan... hey what's up... this is kelser's friend beth... you know the short one... good job at quartz!
I can't believe your still so tall ^-^
HAHA Stephan whats up buddy I am so glad that I got to meet u...ur an awsome person and an AWSOME roommate I miss ya buddy Love Ya
Short people are crazy and trying to take over the world, starting with waterfountains...
David: Hey! How dare you? I'm short, and I'm starting with the White House.
Oh, and I'm not crazy.
Well I am starting with every Mcdonalds in the whole world!
Oh! There goes phase two of my plan! Oh, well. On to phase three. Now where did I put that dog?
you need a new post. its been like 20 days. well, g2g ttfn
Don't be haten short people!!! AHHH DEATH TO YOU DAVID!!! Just for that I'm going to... to.... ummm... uhhhh... well I guess I shouldn't talk cause I'm average for my age.... unlike a lot of short people I know (you know who)
Who is You Know Who?
Not that again!!
Hey, where's Stephan in all this? He hasn't made one single comment since he got back.
Ya I told him earlier today at volleyball practice to update his blog... lol (or at least take a look) Ummmm.... I think "you know who" wishes to remain anonymous.
WOW! and I thought you were tall Stephan... 15!!?!! That's... that's something...
If "You Know Who" is so anonymous, why are we all supposed to know who it is?
ok john, #1 i'm not short. #2 why do you have the nick name " 'lil johnny boy"? cuz you are short!
william, i know you, but i dont know if you would know me even if i told you my name.
Hmm. Not short, mistaken for short by John, knows me, but not the other way around...
Previous comments lead me to believe you are a girl.
It would seem to logically follow that you were in my art class. Is that true?
why would you think that i am a girl? (scary) and no, i was not in your art class. i know who you are, but i would not say that i know you on a personal level.
Different things. For one thing, your writing style seemed closer to those of the girls visiting this site than the guys.
fair enough, you can think of me however you like. ill just let my writing define me for now.
I know who you are now. :-)
Did I offend you when I said that? I'm really sorry if I did.
not at all! haha
umm..i feel bad, but who is joshua? and how do you know who i am? sorry ;)
LOL, Stephan I guess checks his blog once a month... TO EVERYONE: Stephan is tall (no duh) John is taller (WOW) "you know who" is short (haha) and.... so am I (atleast compared to everyone else)
WOW.... I still can't get over how tall he is. I'll bet he'd be awsome at spiking lol ; )
I know who "you know who" is and "you know who" doesn't know i know, well i geuss know "you know who" now knows! okay did i get any1! LOL!
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