Wednesday, November 08, 2006


So my thoughts are jumbled and I don't really feel like blogging but I'll put a few quotes that have provoked some thought.
Esse quam videri
(To be, rather than to appear)

No man, for any considerable period of time, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the truth.
-Nathaniel Hawthorne

These two quotes remind of the song by Switchfoot, "Are you who you wanna be?"
Better yet are you who God wants you to be?
As Frederick Buechner says,
"The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

Have you found what God wants you to be? What you enjoy doing? What you're good at? Those questions remind me of a story I heard about a body builder. He was standing before a judge and flexed. To which the judge replied non-chalantly, "what do you use all those muscles for?" The body builder looked confused, but decided the judge must not have realized, so he flexed a magnifient pose again, and the crowd roared. But again the judge spoke, "I see all the muscle and it's alot, but what do you use it for? Three times he asked this question, the body builder had no idea what he used it for.
I find that this story is trying to get people to realize what their talents are, what skills they have, and then find how they can best utilize it. After all God has made each and everyone of us special, and do we not have a specific purpose that God made us for? Aren't we each a part of the body of Christ?
So in ending, Are you who you want to be? Are you the person God means for you to be? I know it's a struggle to find out, but isn't it worth it to find your place? Bruce Cockburn said it perfectly.
"Nothing, nothing, worth having comes without some kind of fight.


Anonymous said...

Mmm, postity goodness, pretty good quotes too.

Herohtar said...

About time you posted.

Steve M said...

Caleb: Good comment about my actual post. :p

Herohtar said...

Thanks. I always pride myself on my comments.

Jenny said...

Good questions all around in your post. The problem is...I don't know the answer.

Steve M said...

I'm sorry to hear that. But as for myself right now, I'm working through the answer myself. So like the some song lyrics say, "If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's good cause I'm figurin it out."