Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sooner Saturday

So this past Saturday I went to the OU sponsored "Sooner Saturday." This is where a prospective highschool senior goes to find out what OU offers. Throughout the entire day he get to tour everything from the rooms to the cafeteria and everything in between. I went around and visited the Army ROTC (reserve officer training core) I talked with a Captain there, and that was slightly helpful. He invited me to come out and see and maybe partake in the drilling they go through. Just to see if I like it. He also said I could try out some of their other stuff. I.e. Paintball. Honestly I think that'd be great. Get to play paintball with Army officers.

Besides that I visited the Health and Science building. During that time I went down to a certain field, I don't remember the name of it right now, but I had my body fat percentage measured. Somehow at the end of that test the guy in charge asked if I wanted to do this semi-regularly. I asked what I'd be doing, and he said basically I'd have my bone density measured and bfp (body fat percentage) measured, because during htis time most guys testorone levels rise and they're able to put on mass and muscle more easily. I'd would also be running basically until my legs gave out. The purpose of that would be seeing how good my endurance and lung capacity is. Also how good of shape I'm in. In other words people, I have reached my life's goal. I am offically a lab rat! W00T!!!

I still don't really know where I'm going to college. I've been told by some people that I better not go out of state, but honestly if that's where God wants me to go then I figure I'd better.



Anonymous said...

Nice. Running until you can't anymore sounds /awesome/! ;)

Steve M said...

AHHH! Nerd talk ninjaed in on the word awesome!