Your Element Is Air |
![]() You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly. Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful. You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! |
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
just a quick nothing blog.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
No Comments?
Wow I didn't think that I could really scare everyone away with what I wrote. But it sure seems that that's what happened. I mean really I talk about something, that might be worthwhile to comment on(in my opinion) and no one wants to let there comment be seen. Well I don't expect to change anytime soon, cause I'm not abandoning my principles, or my thoughts. That just wouldn't be me. But anyone just feel free to leave a comment, I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
Now to change from that. Wow, it's really cold out............... Don't worry I'm not actually going to start talking about the weather, I'm not that old yet. I'm sitting right here, waiting for the impending clock to chime, signaling that I have to start up on something else, yet I don't want to go yet. I have nothing coming to mind about what to write. But I just want to keep typing/writing. I think I've truly gotten addicted to typing. I'm constantly strumming my fingers as if I were typing. Again WOW, I didn't think I could talk about something that useless, but I guess I proved myself wrong. (this is utterly random)I'd like anyone who reads this, to leave a comment on what they think their best feature is. I'm trying to go somewhere with this, but wherever I'm going it's undecided. Now for a really random quote. "The problem with remembering is one tends to forget." Yes me writing that was a significant step for mankind I'm sure. I think I need more coffee, that's it. I'm sleep deprived, and need more caffeine. But do not worry, I will not drink more than a doubleshot of expresso. AAAAAAHHH!!!! My mind is on fire, I don't know what to think about, what to write about!!!! My mind is seriously needing to do some deep philisophical thinking, about what? you might ask, that I will find out. And once I do, I might tell you all what I figured out, while thinking so hard. It's about time for another somewhat random comment. "I need a thinking cap" and now to let you all stop reading this, the clock is chiming so I must say chow.
Now to change from that. Wow, it's really cold out............... Don't worry I'm not actually going to start talking about the weather, I'm not that old yet. I'm sitting right here, waiting for the impending clock to chime, signaling that I have to start up on something else, yet I don't want to go yet. I have nothing coming to mind about what to write. But I just want to keep typing/writing. I think I've truly gotten addicted to typing. I'm constantly strumming my fingers as if I were typing. Again WOW, I didn't think I could talk about something that useless, but I guess I proved myself wrong. (this is utterly random)I'd like anyone who reads this, to leave a comment on what they think their best feature is. I'm trying to go somewhere with this, but wherever I'm going it's undecided. Now for a really random quote. "The problem with remembering is one tends to forget." Yes me writing that was a significant step for mankind I'm sure. I think I need more coffee, that's it. I'm sleep deprived, and need more caffeine. But do not worry, I will not drink more than a doubleshot of expresso. AAAAAAHHH!!!! My mind is on fire, I don't know what to think about, what to write about!!!! My mind is seriously needing to do some deep philisophical thinking, about what? you might ask, that I will find out. And once I do, I might tell you all what I figured out, while thinking so hard. It's about time for another somewhat random comment. "I need a thinking cap" and now to let you all stop reading this, the clock is chiming so I must say chow.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Code Of Conduct
I am an American fighting man. I serve inI found that with some of my Grandfathers stuff. It lets me remember that upon a time, the name of God was allowed to be heard in the govornment.
the forces which guard my country and our
way of life. I am prepared to give my life
in their defense.
I will never surrender of my own free will.
If in command, I will never surrender my
men while they still have the means to resist.
If I am captured I will continue to resist by
all means available. I will make every
effort to escape and aid others to escape.
I will accept neither parole nor special
favors from the enemy.
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep
faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give
no information nor take part in any action
which might be harmful to my comrades.
If I am senior, I will take command. If not,
I will obey the lawful orders of those ap-
pointed over me and will back them up in
every way.
When questioned, should I become a pris-
oner of war, I am required to give only
name, rank, service number, and date of
birth. I will evade answering further ques-
tions to the utmost of my ability. I will
make no oral or written statements dis-
loyal to my country and its allies or harm-
ful to their cause.
I will never forget that I am an American
fighting man, responsible for my actions,
and dedicated to the principles which made
my country free. I will trust in my God and
in the United States of America
New Years Day
Well I just want to start out by putting a praise song into this blog, I expect that I will prolly do this quite often.
"Thank You Lord"I just love these words, because they're so true. This is one of my favorite songs. I pray that you will all take these words and use them to lift our Heavenly Father on high. He has done so much for us, and we fail to thank and rejoice in him daily. I realize that God shows us his awesome Glory everyday, but we pay no heed to it. He shows us in his creation, ourselves, and the blessings he is always sending to us. My brother told me about someone he met on a mission trip in Mexico. it was a woman he told me about, who was constantly cheerful, and one morning one of the guys on the trip was grumpy, cause it was really early. And he was complaining about how tired he was. She went up to him and said "This IS the day that the Lord has made and YOU WILL rejoice and be glad in it!" (psalms 118:24) And I thought that was really cool, because that's the attitude that everyone should have. I think that almost everyone(myself included) shouldn't let anything like us not getting enough sleep, or not doing or getting what we want get in the way of us rejoicing day by day with God about how wonderful the day that he created is. I really want to change my attitude, because it will be pleasing to God, and my attitude will not be in the way of him using me. Thank you Lord for today, and praise your worthy Name!
verse #1
For all that you've done I will thank you
For all that you're going to do
For all that you've promised
And all that you are
Is all that has carried me through
Jesus I thank you
verse #2
And I thank you
Thank you Lord
And I thank you
Thank you Lord
verse #3
Thank you for loving and setting me free
Thank you for giving your life just for me
How I thank you
Jesus I thank you
Gratefully thank you
Thank you
verse #1
verse #2
verse #3
verse #3
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Saturday, January 01, 2005
New Years Eve
Well I am up in Tulsa right now, with my God parents, and my old dear church family. And it has been a joyous night. I'm very happy to be around them again. My God father has been teaching tonight about many things, right now I'm not going to try and write it all down, until I have studied my notes. But my spirit right now is content. All I want to do right now is praise the Lord God. He is soveriegn and in control of everything. Something I was told tonight is " Follow the Holy Spirit, whoever he's with, wherever he is, find him, find him for yourself." And that's what I plan to do, I pray that all of you do the same. I hope that none of you are uneasy about reading this, but I pray that it be a blessing in some way or another. I don't know God's plan for me, where he wants me to go, or what he wants me to do. But I ask that any of you that read this pray that he reveal his plan for me and that I trust in him alone. I pray that God blesses you all and that you follow him with your whole heart. In Jesus' mighty name.
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