Wednesday, January 05, 2005

No Comments?

Wow I didn't think that I could really scare everyone away with what I wrote. But it sure seems that that's what happened. I mean really I talk about something, that might be worthwhile to comment on(in my opinion) and no one wants to let there comment be seen. Well I don't expect to change anytime soon, cause I'm not abandoning my principles, or my thoughts. That just wouldn't be me. But anyone just feel free to leave a comment, I'm sure nothing bad will happen.

Now to change from that. Wow, it's really cold out............... Don't worry I'm not actually going to start talking about the weather, I'm not that old yet. I'm sitting right here, waiting for the impending clock to chime, signaling that I have to start up on something else, yet I don't want to go yet. I have nothing coming to mind about what to write. But I just want to keep typing/writing. I think I've truly gotten addicted to typing. I'm constantly strumming my fingers as if I were typing. Again WOW, I didn't think I could talk about something that useless, but I guess I proved myself wrong. (this is utterly random)I'd like anyone who reads this, to leave a comment on what they think their best feature is. I'm trying to go somewhere with this, but wherever I'm going it's undecided. Now for a really random quote. "The problem with remembering is one tends to forget." Yes me writing that was a significant step for mankind I'm sure. I think I need more coffee, that's it. I'm sleep deprived, and need more caffeine. But do not worry, I will not drink more than a doubleshot of expresso. AAAAAAHHH!!!! My mind is on fire, I don't know what to think about, what to write about!!!! My mind is seriously needing to do some deep philisophical thinking, about what? you might ask, that I will find out. And once I do, I might tell you all what I figured out, while thinking so hard. It's about time for another somewhat random comment. "I need a thinking cap" and now to let you all stop reading this, the clock is chiming so I must say chow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...Leave the caffiene ALONE! You are way to wired for your own good.

Best feature? My BRILLIANT personality! Ever seen that commercial?