Tuesday, March 29, 2005

later/longest words

Hey all. first off I'm going to write a serious post later. But not now. I'm also going to post all of the dates of everything that is coming up so that anyone who might be interested can go.

Now on to business. A long time ago a friend and I were surfing the web, and we came along the "longest" word. Most people if you ask what it is, will say Antidisestablishmentarianism. They will most likely not be able to say it without stumbling with their speech. However, that only having 28 letters, is not the longest word. There is a word with 29 letters. And that word is floccinaucinihilipilification. The use of this word has been dated back to 1741. My source for all of this imformation is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_word_in_the_English_language
There is supposedly a 207,000+ word about mitochondrial DNA. I'm out of time, and if your interested in anymore long words, (some funny) the link above is where to find it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

movie quiz

this is an awsome movie, so when I found the quiz I was like YES!
here it is.

Take the quiz: "Which Holy Grail Character Are You?"

Arthur, King of the Britons
Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon, from the castle of Camelot. King of the Britons, defeater of the Saxons, Sovereign of all England!

I'm also going to have to go with a red v. blue quiz.

Take the quiz: "Which Red vs Blue Char are you?"

You are Sarge! You are the leader of the Red team and dish out the orders during battle. You are both brave and smart ulinke most everyone else on the team.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Dating Views

Well this blog has been inspired by about three people. One person asked about my views, another wrote about "soulmates" and the last I'm sort of taking a word, then expanding on it. Hope you enjoy this blog, and I pray that it helps your view on dating. p.s. this was an i.m. conversation.

Sara: Ok out of curiosity may I ask what your views are on dating?? You did say on your blogger to ask..

Stephan: okay..I don't believe that people should until they are at a certain age, and in a certain finacial stage where they are able to support themselves, and or a family

Stephan: first, what's the purpose of dating?

Sara: Marriage of course.

Stephan: exactly

Sara: that's really true, I can't tell you how many friends of mine have completely messed up there lifes dating... at this age I mean.
Stephan: so why in the world would anyone, especially people from the age of 12--18ish

Stephan: INext, dating doesn't help you in anyway

Sara: Yeah I agree.

Stephan: it wastes your money,your time, and especially your concentration

Sara: Not only that, but it messes up friendships with other people.

Stephan: you should be concentrating on God, and what he wants in your life, instead of being split, wanting to have a emotional relationship, without commitment

Stephan: that btw is what most of these people are doing, they are wanting to be emotionally entangled, but without the commitment

Stephan: that's sort of where courting comes in

Sara: Yup.

Stephan: the plan is to get married, not to just see if you like the person, it's dating with an agenda, or a plan

Stephan: you know where your trying to end up, instead of wandering around, until you think it's the right time

Stephan: another thing

Stephan: many people would say that they know that God provides for them
but if the truly believed that, wouldn't God also provide at the CORRECT time in your life, a mate

Sara: Exactly!

Stephan: do you know what my wife is going to be?

Stephan: in one single word?

Sara: Lol.
(this is what I took from my brother then I started expanding some)

Stephan: "Perfect"

Stephan: she's not going to be perfect in anything,. but just for me

Stephan: because I know that God has worked in her life, and trained her and guided her her entire life, just for me

Stephan: so she is literally the perfect woman for me, because through her whole life she's has been following God, and he's been getting her ready

Stephan: so just........Perfect

Sara: Lol.

Sara: Cool!

Stephan: That's why I think it's pointless to try and go out and find someone that you "like" because you think that they might be the one for you

Stephan: because God already has that perfect person for you

Sara: Yeah!

Stephan: so why take the focus off of God, by looking for an emotional entanglement, when it's not your time

Stephan: God put a stage of singleness in everyone's lives

Stephan: and we need to be content in that stage first.

Stephan: He put that stage in, so we could learn, and be more like him, and obey his word, so that when it's time for that stage to be over, we're ready

Sara: Exactly!

Stephan: That right there is my view on dating

In Christ,

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Long Blog

It's been a very eventful day today. Good in many many ways, and a few sad times. First off I want to thank everyone who was praying for me again. It helped boost my spirit, therefor I thank you. I'm working things out with God, and I'm really trying to change many different attitudes about how I act, and about life. Something I read recently on a verse really hit home with me, on this blog a verse was put. The verse is Luke 9:61-63, and it goes 'Then another said, "I'm ready to follow you, Master, but first excuse me while I get things straightened out at home." Jesus said, "No procrastination. No backward looks. You can't put God's kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.'
I think that's how everyone should live, like you should live today like it's your last, you can't turn and obey Jesus later, you have to do it now. Because it's the most important thing you can do in your life. How many times do we decide to not say something, or do something later, because we think we're still going to be here.

Next thing. I've been asking several friends what God's been doing in their lives, and what he's been teaching them. And I'd like to ask you just to ponder on that. When truly was the last time God showed you something you needed to change in your life/heart. If any of you can answer very recently, then tell me have you actually tried to change. Once I've asked these friends I don't even know when I can ask again, because so many of us take so long to change. I'm very guilty of that myself. I know so many things I can do, to help me build a relationship with God, yet I just ignore it. I let my pride stand in the way and give excuses as to why I don't need to change right now. So the challenge that I'm wanting to give, is that when any of you feel God's wanting you to change on something, then change as fast as you can. Because the sooner you change the sooner you can really start obeying God's will for you life.

On to other parts of this blog. the "good events." First,in volleyball, we had two games today, one of which someone I rarely get to see came, and didn't even have to drive 2 or more hours. The first game was pretty good. I got there early. I was supposed to miss it because I had an orchestra rehearsal from 1-o-clock to 3 thirty. And God blessed me with it ending at 2 thirty so I was able to make it to the game. Otherwise I would have missed the game and the person and arrived at 4:20ish. So I give thanks to God for the blessing. Then after the game I started talking with my teamates about another friend on the team who was unable to play for many reasons. But really wanted to, but our coach would not let her. Which was hard for several of us. But she took us aside and told her that because she had already planned on not being able to play she did not want any of us to go to coach and appeal. Which we were going to do. And not all of us were wanting her to play, so it was really causing alot of dissention, and truly starting to break up our team. So she gave her reasons, and told us that she would support us, but even if we appealed to coach, she refused to play. I didn't like the decision, but I beleive now that it was for the best. Though it really caused me to be sad when she told all of us. Buy after we told her that we supported her choice, we all prayed about it, and then we went and played a great game after that.

On to the game (sorry for how long this blog is, but I want to just get it all out) The team we played beat us the first game, and in the second game I was up to serve and the score was 24-25 our favor, and we had to win by 2. I made the serve over, God took away the pressure, usually I get all nervous and mess up. So in the third game we go to 15 and we were starting to take a lead of about 11-8 . When all of a sudden after we had won a point, the other teams coach started telling the ref. about how the ball went through the net. there was a small hole in which there was enough room for someone to FORCEFULLY put the ball through, and he was saying that if it hadn't gone "through" then they would have been able to play it. So the ref called a replay. It was such a ridiculous idea that that had happened, yet annoying. But we still won thankfully by a mere 2 points. And then all of our team went over to the B teams game and cheered them on until we were almost all hoarse.

The only teams left in the intermediate group are Arrows A (my team) no losses. (it's a double elim.) and Arrows B, and NOKC Hotter and both or those teams each have 1 loss. So the next game we play will be the winner of those to teams. And even if we lose the match, we'll still only have 1 loss, so we will play them again. So it's all good in volleyball.
Thanx again to all who prayed.