Tuesday, March 29, 2005

later/longest words

Hey all. first off I'm going to write a serious post later. But not now. I'm also going to post all of the dates of everything that is coming up so that anyone who might be interested can go.

Now on to business. A long time ago a friend and I were surfing the web, and we came along the "longest" word. Most people if you ask what it is, will say Antidisestablishmentarianism. They will most likely not be able to say it without stumbling with their speech. However, that only having 28 letters, is not the longest word. There is a word with 29 letters. And that word is floccinaucinihilipilification. The use of this word has been dated back to 1741. My source for all of this imformation is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_word_in_the_English_language
There is supposedly a 207,000+ word about mitochondrial DNA. I'm out of time, and if your interested in anymore long words, (some funny) the link above is where to find it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, man that sounds familliar.. Hey wait, I was that friend! Wow, I feel so special.

Note to self: Mention Stephan in next blog update.

Steve M said...

ALRIGHT!! I was mentioned, I'm famous now I'm sure. I'll be here all week. What's that? Sure I'll give you my autograph. Make it out to who? Oh okay *insert famous person's name here.)