Saturday, May 28, 2005

David Pic

This is David trying to dodge me taking a pic of him, but to no avail, I have a picture of David. Nonetheless in a tux Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

lol, Thats A good one.

Steve M said...

hmmmm, I think I'm going to block the person who keeps sending me the "you know who" UNLESS THEY TELL ME! Most likely it is Linda, most likely. But many people are getting in on this.

Anonymous said...

You realize that the longer you keep that up the more severely I will get you back? Just thought I should warn you :P

Anonymous said...

who is "you know who"?

Miss Puritan Chickie said...

How did you get a picture of David in a tux?! Nice job!

Anonymous said...

are you going to v-ball camp?

Katina Rae Hembree said...

Hey Stephan
How do I edit the stupid links on my site, they just say "edit me" and it drives me CRAZY. So I read the directions on how to do it, and they made NO SENSE. So could you explain it in a 'computer for dummies' way?
P.S. YOu need to come to church on wednesday nights!!!!

Anonymous said...

yay! i just finished my world history final exam!! ok..just had to tell someone. lol

see u later

Steve M said...

Bri-I know who "you know who" is. and I'm not going to v-ball camp.

Katina- Ask me again later, and I'll help you with editing your links

"you know whos"-stop spamming my site otherwise I'm going to block your ip address. In other words I'm going to block your actually internet server from getting to this site. Basically you won't be able to visit this site

Next- I love comments, ESPECIALLY when they about the "post" written. Otherwise my posts are not for chatting back and forth. That's what e-mail is for.

Sorry to be so mean, but I don't like my blogger being spammed.

John said...

`Okidoke Stephan =D It is a funny picture of David, what did he say after you took it?

Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly it was any one of the following: Cameras are evil, cameras steal your soul, evil!, get away!, noooo!, bah!, punk, evilness, I hate you... And the occasional, I LIKE BACON!
But that last one only happened once.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that David has a serious issue with cameras. Way to go, Stephan!

John said...

Kewl well I'll remember that.... David beware, (cameras are everywhere) MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!

Anonymous said...

"God, pass the fried chicken."

Anonymous said...

Stephan, great picture of David! Dustin and I tried to get one of him on the last day of COACH, but only got a picure of his hand.

John said...

Steph..... steph..... hmmmm please forgive me I do not remember you... (I feel so bad) owell you'll forgive me some how. lol ;D

Steph...... PLEASE HELP ME OUT I HAVE GOT TO REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!!!! otherwise I'll beat myself until I'm, well actually thats a little too dramatic. (sorry Stephan I know this is a little off topic)

Anonymous said...

I can't speak for Steph but I will give you a hint: "Steph" is just a nick-name, a shorter version of her real name. That help?

Anonymous said...

Stephan: Sorry this is off topic I will stop soon.

John: Of course I will forgive you for not knowing who I am :) and if you will go to your blog I will give you your help.

Anonymous said...

*quickly runs over to the McKee household and runs inside to deposite several large explosives*

Muhahaha, should have gotten that house key from me while you still had the chance! Huzzah!

Katina Rae Hembree said...

Hi stephan!!
I know this is off sudject but I wanted to say hi to you while you were gone. Sounds weird, but then again I am a little odd:)
seeyou later

Anonymous said...

Mashed potato boy ^-^

Anonymous said...

By the way it wasn't my fault those many years ago... can you guess who this is?
instant message me to find out who this is- starygirl541