Thursday, February 17, 2005


Hello all. I'm wanting to write about something, but as so many of us say I qoute "I don't know what to write about" I do know that right now alot of things are on my mind. There are many of my friends who are leaving or have left the country/state, and some that are visiting. Some of my friends are wondering what the next step is in their relationships w/other people. I have 5 volleyball games in the next 2 days. That is going to keep me sore, and busy. But I guess I just wanted to put some of that stuff in the atmosphere. If any of you are willing, I'd appreciate prayers for one of my dearest friends, who is going to Mexico tonight. For her to have a safe, and wonderful trip, and that she be protected. And for another friend who's returning to Weatherford, that he also have a safe trip. Also pray for my other friends who are figuring out how to deal with other people. And trying to change their views for the better. And lastly prayer for myself, I'm struggling with what God wants to do in my life, I want to follow him. But I feel like everytime I get nearer to him, I'm just torn farther away. And I'm getting tired of that. If anyone else out there is needing/wanting prayer let me know, and I'll be more than happy to pray for you. May all of you have a good evening, and rest of the week.
In Him,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing what's up and being real with your thoughts and prayer requests. As hard as it to see at times, I'll be praying that you will see God's nearness. He has promised that if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. Be encouraged. He never leaves even when it sometimes feels like He has.
I hope your weekend goes well!

Anonymous said...

Jordan got ahold of me to let me know about the Mexico trip. I'll definitely have to give you a call over the weekend. On a scale of one to great, it'll be awesome! And maybe I can even put in a call to Frederick at the same double the long-distance fees..., I'll just e-mail you sometime. *wink*

Unknown said...


Odd, I've been feeling the same way. I feel that the closer I want to get to God, the more un-godly I feel.

I have been struggling with feelings I didn't even knew they were there, and all of the sudden, everything burst out and I am feeling at odds.

Where in Mexico is your friend going? I'm from Mexico.

I always find it awesome when I find out about people who are willing to go and help, to take the time and effort of doing something for someone else. That takes a lot of courage and faith.

May God be with you,


frisbeegurl said...

Hey Stephan!! I just want you to know I'll be praying for you, and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here also. And don't be discouraged about not knowing what God wants you to do. Sometimes God doesn't show us immediatly because he wants us to learn patience.. and sometimes he actually makes you not feel His presence as much to make your faith stronger.. In other words, God is working on your heart, not hiding from you, so instead, just know of course that God is always there... even if we don't feel His presence some times.
Luv ya!!
Sara R.

frisbeegurl said...

Ohh and btw.. check out my blogger.. Its not near as cool as yours because I havn't posted anything important.. just goofy stuff. But I'll get around to it eventually!!
Luv ya!!
Sara R.

frisbeegurl said...

Ohh heh... telling you the name of the blogger would probably help wouldn't it!! Its
Luv ya!!

Anonymous said...

well, observant me didn't realize that you had subscribed to me on my xanga....sorry for not noticing earlier....i like your blog....
well, i wish i could leave a longer comment, but i need to finish some homework....
talk to you later...
~kellie s.

Anonymous said...

Yo! Stephan! Just saw your subscription to my xanga. I looove your blog! It's awesome!

Well I wanted to tell you how much I miss you. I hadn't really realized how much support you added to my life when I was still in h.s. and just how much I enjoy you.

On the topic of your post...I know what you mean about feeling distant from God. I went through that a few weeks ago and it brought me to such desperation that all I could do was fall on my face and pray that I could give all things to Him and not hold on to anything that would keep me from walking with Him. When you start to feel distant, the only thing you can do is run to Him. Read your Bible and pray always, you can only find Him if you seek Him.

Well, anyway that was long. : ) Hope you're doing well. You'll be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thanx to all who have been praying for me. I'm straightening things out.I'll prolly be blogging soon, sort of an update. Don't know bout what yet, but it will come to me