Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Well this happened awhile ago, but I thought it was cool beans..... So it's starts as a normal monday, with work in the morning, and then lunch, some school, then practice, lesson, then orchestra. But this starts at the lesson... So! I'm at my lesson, it's almost over when my orchestra partner calls my teacher to tell her that she's just going to skip this night.. I get told this and don't know what to think.. I mean it's gone through my mind that "Hey if she gets sick then I'll take her part and get to show off!" However..... that's not what happened. I realize WHOA, I haven't practiced her part, and haven't looked at the cadenza (for those who don't know what a cadenza it's a short solo in an orchestra piece which is for showing off that instrument) The last time I looked at that cadenza was around 4 or 5 months ago. and It's not the easiest thing to do. So I'm all panicky when I arrive at rehearsal, and set up and tune, and sit there. I talked to the conductor (Dr. Clinton, who is hard to describe, he will kid around some times, but you never want to talk back, or say or do anything that could annoy him. :0) I tell him that my partner isn't coming, and that I can play some of her parts but not all of them. So we start, and it gets time for me to play and I do. And I played it pretty well, and after I was done, he made the comment to the whole orchestra. He said "I thought that only one of them could do that!" Then he had me do it again, and started bragging about my partner and myself. About how we're always on time, and always tuned, and always know our parts. I was very pleased with that. And I'm thankful God helped through with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome. It's always nice to get complimented by Dr. Clinton...especially when he's using you to insinuate that the rest of the orchestra needs to get their act together.


PS -- You might use line breaks occasionally so it's easier to read. :wink: