Friday, November 25, 2005

Definition Of Sin

Sin is, "Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your concience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off the relish of spitiual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself.

That is Mrs. Wesley's definition of sin to her son John Wesley.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Anne Graham

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" (regarding the attacks on Sept. 11).

Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives.

And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"

In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.

Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school . the Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself.. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.

Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.

Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing?

Brave Saint Saturn

Album: So Far From Home
Song: Shadow Of Def

Now sit right back as I bust a "rhyme",
I've got the "freshest" beats and I'm always on time,
I'm the baddest of the best,
Yeah I'm the king.
Master of beats and the cross-fader,
I'll cut off your hand just like Darth Vader,
You step to me and you're gonna get "dissed"" homeboy".
Come into my "crib",
Maybe we could "chill",
I might "cap" somebody,
Or kick 'em in the "grill".

I'm the "DJ" he's the "rapper",
And the "homeboys" try to step,
I'm the "DJ" he's the "rapper",
In the valley of the shadow of "def".

Yo. Yo, "homeboys" come and "homeboys" go,
But I still kick the "Latin Lingo",
Mi Espanol es no mui bueno.
I'm "stone cold rhymin' "and "spinnin' "on the "wax",
I give the old ladies heart attacks,
'cause I'm "fresh" and "dope" and I'm "dissin' wac MC'S".
I've got all my teeth capped,
Chains to show my wealth,
And I "check myself,
Before I wreck myself."

Well my name is Frankie T, and I'm here to "talk",
About the meaning of Five Minute Walk.
Some say its "wac",
Some say it's "ill",
Myself, "homeboy", thinks it's pretty "chill".
Turn off the TV,
Put down the phone,
Go talk to "JC" and be alone.
Talk to him five minutes a day,
He won't "wig out" or "give you play",
He will not "dis" you in the end,
In fact "JC's" my "freshest" friend.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Short Post

This is going to be an exceedingly short post. Basically it's for me to show that I'm still alive, and just to let some of you ponder.
"Your as only as close to God as you dare to be."
Sometimes I only dare to get so close, I'm afraid of getting nearer to God. And I think that many times people only want to be so near to him. (I might add on more thoughts about this later, once I get more insight, and think about it more.)
Your thoughts are appreciated

Friday, August 19, 2005


So my brother and I are in Texas, pretty close to Dallas. We're playing at a wedding tomorrow night, and tonight we had a dress rehearsal. First off it's an outdoor wedding, and I now know that I'm not ever going to do one again. It's beautiful weather, except there's just a bit too much wind. So the pages are being blown over. If I use clips to keep it from flipping, then I can't turn the pages. Anyway. Rehearsal is over, Frederick and I got compliments from everyone. The bride said, "I knew it was going to sound good you guys, but I didn't think it was going to be this good." And that right there is a really nice complement.
We're at the hotel right now, and my mom is still with my dad, back in Norman now, and Frederick called them up. And as he was talking he finds out from my mom that at OU the conductor for the symphony as well as my teacher, don't think that the harpist can carry their own weight. So they're both wanting to know if I can start playing with the symphony again. Now this is a wonderful opportunity, however, I was going to drop harp ensemble, and stop almost all of the extra curricular activities. But my harp teacher says that she would much more prefer for me to play in the symphony, instead of the ensemble. I would agree with that.
The symphony, it is a wonderful blessing, but I don't know if I need, want, or have the time to take it. It meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 12:30 to 2:30 or 3. So it would take a considerable amount of time up. So I'd like to just ask all of you guys to pray for me, for God to let me know if I should do this or not.
While on the phone, my brother also related the imformation from my mom to me, about how my teacher Gaye LeBlanc, has said that if I were to get a BMA, I think it stands for Bachelor of music arts. That I would be able to recieve a FULL ride to OU!
That is a blessing, my word is it a blessing.
But there are several other things that are in play here. First I didn't really want to major in harp, nor did I really want to go to OU. I mean I would love to go to OU if it were someplace else, because I don't want to stay home. I need to be able to learn my life lessons, and struggle, and survive on my own. And if I were to go to OU, then I would probably stay at home. Most likely going to any other colleges would require for me to join the ROTC, (I think it stands for Reserve Officer Training Core, or Center) In other words I would train, and basically be a reserve. I don't know if that is God's calling on my life. The other way for me to pay for college would be scholarships through volleyball or harp. For volleyball I would really have to improve considerably. But I don't think I'm really tall enough for volleyball. That may come as a suprise to alot of you because you think I'm pretty tall. But most of the guys that they recruit at Ball State University are more around the height of 6.6. or 6.7. But I don't know. For harp, I'm almost entirely certain that I have to be a major for me to get any scholarships.
So now most of you are up to date on what's going on in my life. Sorry for how long this post is, and thanks to all of you who took the time to read this.
So there are two things I would just like for all of you to pray for.
1. What God is planning for my life, and what he wants me to do.
2. For my dad, he's been moved down to Norman, now, and they changed his medication, so his cognative skills are returning. (he was having trouble comprehending things while on the morphine)
Thank you all again for your prayers. In Him, Stephan

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Alright! I finally came up with a topic for a good post. The idea came when a friend of mine asked what is a good way to deal with temptation. That question is going to be the basis of this post.
I gave two ways, 1. Pray for strength from God. Most people would see that as a good start. But where it becomes more difficult is number 2. For the 2nd way, I said memorizing scripture, now I'm sure that most of you will agree it's difficult to take the time. But the usefulness is so abundant. Memorizing scripture especially verses dealing with what your fighting against will greatly aid you. The Bible says " For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) 2 Timothy also says " All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." "How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word." Psalms 119:9 There you have it people, take up your sword, because that's what gift God has given us to battle temptation with.

Now all of you read that, please oh please do pester me constantly to make sure that I'm doing what I've written, because I don't want to be a hypocrite.

And don't worry I'm not going to leave you guys with just "memorize," there are ways of making it easier. However I don't have the time to write it all down, so here are a couple of links.

I hope this blesses you all!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Hello all, as some of you have learned I am back. OSAI was very enjoyable, but draining. Each day I carted the harp about a mile a day. The bridge over to rehearsal was around a quarter of a mile for one thing. I made lots of new friends, and learned gobs and gobs of new things. (gobs, now there's a good word) Anywho, The conductor for the first week was quite interesting, exuberant or eccentric might be words used to describe him. And he wanted everything over tempo, which was difficult for me. However he was a really cool guy. Right before he left he started playing cards with several people including me. We decided to teach him how to play Mau. In case anyone doesn't know what that game is here are the Guidelines:
1- No discussing the rules
2- It's alot like Uno (hint hint)
3- If you win then you get to make a new rule.
Suprisingly enough he really started to pick it up quickly.
Here's some more pics of some of my new friends.

from left to right it's: Kelsey, Cari, Another girl ( I don't remember her name!) then Carl.
The guy in the next picture is John. he's 15. We were talking about making a shirt for tall people. titled "F.A.Q" (frequently asked questions)
1. "Wow! How tall are you?"
2. "Do you play basketball?"
3. "Why Not?"

Anyway that's all for now about camp. God Bless and I'll post again later. In Him, Stephan

p.s. If that last post got 30 comments, and it wasn't even me, then I'm going to be dissapointed if I don't get at least thaton this post.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Muhahaha!! The Crusades have begun! I, David, now hereby claim this blog as my own! Surrender all your comments to me, infidels!

Yes that is right, your favorite McKee blog has been hacked! My ninja-hacker services are for hire, just go here and leave a comment if you want a job done.

--This is not a joke, this is completely for real--

Saturday, May 28, 2005

David Pic

This is David trying to dodge me taking a pic of him, but to no avail, I have a picture of David. Nonetheless in a tux Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

Niece, Nephew Pic

All right! I figured out putting pics on! W00T!

Daniel and Kaydra Posted by Hello

real post?

I'm sitting at my computer right now, looking outside and it's just. Beautiful. I'm watching the rain pour down, and I see 2 mourning doves sitting on the fence. They must be admiring God's creation as well. I'm sure all of you are wanting me to post something with depth, or meaning to it. Or even something that has been going on, but I'm enjoying the smell of fresh rain too much right now. I will post something worthwhile soon, prolly all that's been going on. It's going to be long. I just keep glancing outside, and God has blessed us with such a mysterious, and exciting world. I just love it! Anywho, this blog really has no aim, or anything to it. I'm just letting it meander.

I'm listening to a c.d. that my harp teacher let me borrow, the group is called "Pink Martini" they're pretty good. Some of the songs have a Latin feel to them, others they sing in French or Chinese. It's a really weird group, but it's good. I'm going to be ending this "post" soon, all of you people leave a comment, and tell me if I should break up the next post, because I'm sure it's going to be MASSIVE. maybe. lol.
p.s. I'm going to take the time someday to figure out how to post pictures. It is becoming a Must for me to post pics, I have so many now. Anywhy, the rain is ceasing, and so must this post. Soon to be standing in the rain,

I thank God for: rain

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

quote post

Well it's about that time again. Many of you have been pestering me about a new post, so here it is.

David McIntyre: "Can you do a favor for me?

Stephan: "depends"

Stephan: "what is it?"

David McIntyre: "Post on your blog more than once a Month"

Stephan: "Do"H"

Stephan: "I need something exciting to happen"

David McIntyre: "The apostrophe is in the wrong place"

Stephan: "Something that isn't Sports banquet, choir tour, graduation, Frederick coming home, volleyball tourny, camp coming up, or any of the more major events such as me waking up, going to sleep, eating, or brushing my teeth."

And there is my post, may all of you have a Merry Christmas! what? it isn't? Then why is Frederick getting so many presents? Birthday?!?! PAH! Well anyway may all of you enjoy.

(quotes are subject to change, names are changed according to the witness protection laws.)

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Hello all, I'm going to go ahead and call this my serious post for now. I'm going on choir tour the day after tomorrow (sat.) This whole year has just flown by, and I'm even sad that school is almost over. It's been a wonderful semester, but it has had some trials. And that's what I'm going to partially write upon. I heard this topic on the radio, and it really hit home with me. The dj's were talking about pearls, and how pearls are formed. They're formed when a irritation gets caught inside of an oyster. And then the oyster turns it into something beautiful. To put it more simply, when something is bothersome, God can help turn that annoyance into something lovely. For an oyster the greater the irritation, the larger the pearl gets. I learned awhile ago, something to help build your faith or character or patience, or anything else. You ask God to test you. Some people say they never see God answer their prayers, but if you ask for God to test you, you'll see him answer it very quickly. So any of you who are reading this, believe that you should ask God to test you, go for it! By having God test you it will help you strengthen your walk with Christ. Even if you fail, just go back to God, and keep trying.

I found this on another site, and it also struck a chord with me. I don't know the person who wrote it, but I think they did a wonderful job.

Calm the confusion in my head. Let me lie as still as the dead.

No more noise, no more sound. No more light, can be found.

For the world has turned away. No one cares for those who stray.

Why this worry and this sorrow? Why can’t I face the morrow?

Where is this pain from? Oh, when did it come?

Or has this pain been always here? Have I always had all this fear?

Calm my frighten soul. Take my broken make it whole!

Then a voice spoke to ease my mind. It said, "Leave it all behind...

For none of this pain shall ever hurt you. I am your God, I shall never desert you.

So though you suffer much torment and pain. All you have to do is call on My Name.

For I am there when no one else is around. I hear you when you don’t make a sound.

I made the lame able to walk. I made the mute able to talk.

I seek My children when they stray. And I shall never turn them away.

If only you would cast all your care on Me. Then child, you would finally be free.

Free, from this world and all it’s sorrow. Free! With a renewed spirit to face the morrow.

Child, won’t you let Me in? Don’t you want your new life to begin?

Let this world go, let it fade away. For it shall not even be here, on that final day.

My Love for you follows so deep. I laid My Life for you, my sheep.

Know that I am standing near. Know that you have nothing to fear.

I watched you before the world was laid. I loved you, before you were made.

I shall not make a mountain you can’t climb. I shall not tell of a treasure you can’t find.

Listen to Me, you know my words are true. Lean on Me, I can get you through."

Then I fell sobbing to the ground. And like the lost sheep, I’d finally been found.

I felt the sorrow, and I felt the pain. In a bitter sweetness, I called on His Name.

A bright light blinded my eyes. As I confessed all my sin and lies.

Then I felt His Blood cleansed my soul. I saw His Body broken, and mine made whole.

I felt my burned lifted away. I felt the birth of a new day.

Why had I been so blind to see? That only in Him could I be made free.

In the end- I truly did die. But just to myself, and to Him I fly.

I thank God for: new stages in life

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Howdy all, I know I have a serious post that I promised. However I'm going to tell the dates of everything coming up. So that any of you who might be interested in going will be able to. But before I do that, I'd like to ask for prayer for two things. 1. I've developed shin splints. 2. for other people who haven't earned all money 4 choir tour.
All right, now on to dates. There are 2 concerts.

1. Apr. 24th, OU harp ensemble, 8:00 in Pittman, in Catlett.
2. Apr. 26th, OKC home school choir. 7:00 at OKC first church of the Nazerene

I thank God for: friends who make you laugh

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

later/longest words

Hey all. first off I'm going to write a serious post later. But not now. I'm also going to post all of the dates of everything that is coming up so that anyone who might be interested can go.

Now on to business. A long time ago a friend and I were surfing the web, and we came along the "longest" word. Most people if you ask what it is, will say Antidisestablishmentarianism. They will most likely not be able to say it without stumbling with their speech. However, that only having 28 letters, is not the longest word. There is a word with 29 letters. And that word is floccinaucinihilipilification. The use of this word has been dated back to 1741. My source for all of this imformation is
There is supposedly a 207,000+ word about mitochondrial DNA. I'm out of time, and if your interested in anymore long words, (some funny) the link above is where to find it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

movie quiz

this is an awsome movie, so when I found the quiz I was like YES!
here it is.

Take the quiz: "Which Holy Grail Character Are You?"

Arthur, King of the Britons
Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon, from the castle of Camelot. King of the Britons, defeater of the Saxons, Sovereign of all England!

I'm also going to have to go with a red v. blue quiz.

Take the quiz: "Which Red vs Blue Char are you?"

You are Sarge! You are the leader of the Red team and dish out the orders during battle. You are both brave and smart ulinke most everyone else on the team.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Dating Views

Well this blog has been inspired by about three people. One person asked about my views, another wrote about "soulmates" and the last I'm sort of taking a word, then expanding on it. Hope you enjoy this blog, and I pray that it helps your view on dating. p.s. this was an i.m. conversation.

Sara: Ok out of curiosity may I ask what your views are on dating?? You did say on your blogger to ask..

Stephan: okay..I don't believe that people should until they are at a certain age, and in a certain finacial stage where they are able to support themselves, and or a family

Stephan: first, what's the purpose of dating?

Sara: Marriage of course.

Stephan: exactly

Sara: that's really true, I can't tell you how many friends of mine have completely messed up there lifes dating... at this age I mean.
Stephan: so why in the world would anyone, especially people from the age of 12--18ish

Stephan: INext, dating doesn't help you in anyway

Sara: Yeah I agree.

Stephan: it wastes your money,your time, and especially your concentration

Sara: Not only that, but it messes up friendships with other people.

Stephan: you should be concentrating on God, and what he wants in your life, instead of being split, wanting to have a emotional relationship, without commitment

Stephan: that btw is what most of these people are doing, they are wanting to be emotionally entangled, but without the commitment

Stephan: that's sort of where courting comes in

Sara: Yup.

Stephan: the plan is to get married, not to just see if you like the person, it's dating with an agenda, or a plan

Stephan: you know where your trying to end up, instead of wandering around, until you think it's the right time

Stephan: another thing

Stephan: many people would say that they know that God provides for them
but if the truly believed that, wouldn't God also provide at the CORRECT time in your life, a mate

Sara: Exactly!

Stephan: do you know what my wife is going to be?

Stephan: in one single word?

Sara: Lol.
(this is what I took from my brother then I started expanding some)

Stephan: "Perfect"

Stephan: she's not going to be perfect in anything,. but just for me

Stephan: because I know that God has worked in her life, and trained her and guided her her entire life, just for me

Stephan: so she is literally the perfect woman for me, because through her whole life she's has been following God, and he's been getting her ready

Stephan: so just........Perfect

Sara: Lol.

Sara: Cool!

Stephan: That's why I think it's pointless to try and go out and find someone that you "like" because you think that they might be the one for you

Stephan: because God already has that perfect person for you

Sara: Yeah!

Stephan: so why take the focus off of God, by looking for an emotional entanglement, when it's not your time

Stephan: God put a stage of singleness in everyone's lives

Stephan: and we need to be content in that stage first.

Stephan: He put that stage in, so we could learn, and be more like him, and obey his word, so that when it's time for that stage to be over, we're ready

Sara: Exactly!

Stephan: That right there is my view on dating

In Christ,

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Long Blog

It's been a very eventful day today. Good in many many ways, and a few sad times. First off I want to thank everyone who was praying for me again. It helped boost my spirit, therefor I thank you. I'm working things out with God, and I'm really trying to change many different attitudes about how I act, and about life. Something I read recently on a verse really hit home with me, on this blog a verse was put. The verse is Luke 9:61-63, and it goes 'Then another said, "I'm ready to follow you, Master, but first excuse me while I get things straightened out at home." Jesus said, "No procrastination. No backward looks. You can't put God's kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.'
I think that's how everyone should live, like you should live today like it's your last, you can't turn and obey Jesus later, you have to do it now. Because it's the most important thing you can do in your life. How many times do we decide to not say something, or do something later, because we think we're still going to be here.

Next thing. I've been asking several friends what God's been doing in their lives, and what he's been teaching them. And I'd like to ask you just to ponder on that. When truly was the last time God showed you something you needed to change in your life/heart. If any of you can answer very recently, then tell me have you actually tried to change. Once I've asked these friends I don't even know when I can ask again, because so many of us take so long to change. I'm very guilty of that myself. I know so many things I can do, to help me build a relationship with God, yet I just ignore it. I let my pride stand in the way and give excuses as to why I don't need to change right now. So the challenge that I'm wanting to give, is that when any of you feel God's wanting you to change on something, then change as fast as you can. Because the sooner you change the sooner you can really start obeying God's will for you life.

On to other parts of this blog. the "good events." First,in volleyball, we had two games today, one of which someone I rarely get to see came, and didn't even have to drive 2 or more hours. The first game was pretty good. I got there early. I was supposed to miss it because I had an orchestra rehearsal from 1-o-clock to 3 thirty. And God blessed me with it ending at 2 thirty so I was able to make it to the game. Otherwise I would have missed the game and the person and arrived at 4:20ish. So I give thanks to God for the blessing. Then after the game I started talking with my teamates about another friend on the team who was unable to play for many reasons. But really wanted to, but our coach would not let her. Which was hard for several of us. But she took us aside and told her that because she had already planned on not being able to play she did not want any of us to go to coach and appeal. Which we were going to do. And not all of us were wanting her to play, so it was really causing alot of dissention, and truly starting to break up our team. So she gave her reasons, and told us that she would support us, but even if we appealed to coach, she refused to play. I didn't like the decision, but I beleive now that it was for the best. Though it really caused me to be sad when she told all of us. Buy after we told her that we supported her choice, we all prayed about it, and then we went and played a great game after that.

On to the game (sorry for how long this blog is, but I want to just get it all out) The team we played beat us the first game, and in the second game I was up to serve and the score was 24-25 our favor, and we had to win by 2. I made the serve over, God took away the pressure, usually I get all nervous and mess up. So in the third game we go to 15 and we were starting to take a lead of about 11-8 . When all of a sudden after we had won a point, the other teams coach started telling the ref. about how the ball went through the net. there was a small hole in which there was enough room for someone to FORCEFULLY put the ball through, and he was saying that if it hadn't gone "through" then they would have been able to play it. So the ref called a replay. It was such a ridiculous idea that that had happened, yet annoying. But we still won thankfully by a mere 2 points. And then all of our team went over to the B teams game and cheered them on until we were almost all hoarse.

The only teams left in the intermediate group are Arrows A (my team) no losses. (it's a double elim.) and Arrows B, and NOKC Hotter and both or those teams each have 1 loss. So the next game we play will be the winner of those to teams. And even if we lose the match, we'll still only have 1 loss, so we will play them again. So it's all good in volleyball.
Thanx again to all who prayed.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Hello all. I'm wanting to write about something, but as so many of us say I qoute "I don't know what to write about" I do know that right now alot of things are on my mind. There are many of my friends who are leaving or have left the country/state, and some that are visiting. Some of my friends are wondering what the next step is in their relationships w/other people. I have 5 volleyball games in the next 2 days. That is going to keep me sore, and busy. But I guess I just wanted to put some of that stuff in the atmosphere. If any of you are willing, I'd appreciate prayers for one of my dearest friends, who is going to Mexico tonight. For her to have a safe, and wonderful trip, and that she be protected. And for another friend who's returning to Weatherford, that he also have a safe trip. Also pray for my other friends who are figuring out how to deal with other people. And trying to change their views for the better. And lastly prayer for myself, I'm struggling with what God wants to do in my life, I want to follow him. But I feel like everytime I get nearer to him, I'm just torn farther away. And I'm getting tired of that. If anyone else out there is needing/wanting prayer let me know, and I'll be more than happy to pray for you. May all of you have a good evening, and rest of the week.
In Him,

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I am nerdier than 46% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

All In A Day

So this story started last Sunday. I'm in Sunday school, and one of the youth workers, was talking about how he asks God sometimes to test his faith, so that he might strengthen it. So I'm going to bed, and I ask God to put me through a trial, so that I might further build my faith. Now that I get up in the morning, and eat and go to work. While at work my boss comes up to me, and asks if I want to make beds. I can't say no to my boss, but making beds takes hours, because of the amount of them that we have. We're making beds, and all of the bunks have been used. Bunkbeds are even more annoying to make then the regular beds, and ALL of them have been used. I'm working and I had been listening to one of my fav. radio stations, and suddenly Gov. Brad Henry comes on. I think my boss wants to listen to this so I listen for about 45 minutes, about how these things are going to be changed and these other things are going to be reformed. I'm about to go crazy at that time. I can't take another minute of it. So I ask my boss, and he never even wanted to listen.(teaches me about assuming things) I change it, and I'm happy. But still I'm dealing with all of these bunk beds. Finally God blessed me with one bunk bed that's not been used. And it's even in my fav. # room. #7. I'm "thank you God"

As the day progresses things go alright, but my patience still keeps getting tried in various ways. I'm late everywhere I go, and I have to explain then why to the people who were waiting on me. In the evening, around 5:45 I leave from my lesson, and orchestra starts at 6:15, I'm late. I don't have the harp tuned or anything. I get to OCU and run in with the harp(not literally, just so you know any other harpists) I go upstairs, and go into the orchestra room, only to find that they've just started. I'm unloading the harp, and I've opened the doors, so I can get in there. Which was a mistake, it turned out that the doors right across from me has a group of horn players practicing. Everyone turns around continously and looks at me. Which starts to get annoying. I finally get the harp in, and everything situated so that I can start playing. I play for a total of 20, and wait around and 1 hour and 30 minutes. I pack up the harp, and head home. Unload the harp back at OU so it'll be there in the morning. Two of the other harpists were playing a concert with the OU orchestra, that night. I go downstairs, and it turns out I had to have a ticket to get it.

I head home, and finally get some GREAT news. One of my good friends calls me up at 10:15 or so, and tells me something that turns this horrible Monday, into a great Monday. She tells me that 2 days ago and Sunday she had been thinking about alot of things. And she decided that she needed to give her heart to Christ!! Right then my whole stinky attitude changes, cause this is a good friend of mine, and she got SAVED! Praise the Lord! She had been having trouble sleeping, and she always seemed tired. And after Sunday, she was just so refreshed and renewed. I can tell her spirit has changed, she seems to have a sense of peace about her now. Still competitive, but just calmed now. Praise God again! I'm happy that he tested my patience, and for him saving my friend. That's all I have to share for now. But i'm really happy!

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Finally!! the first game of the volleyball tournament has arrived, we did very well, but not as well as I thought we would.......jk. The first game, the only points they got were from our mistakes, the end score for the first game was 25-3. All of our teams won against them, so it was a good night. I'm feeling all bruised up though, cause I dove alot, and my kneepads, don't cover all of my knee, so it's going to bruise those areas. Anywho, I really started to feel bad for this team, because they're from Lawton, and they had to drive 3ish hours, just to get stomped. But they are like my team was 2 years ago, we got beat. Badly. Next year, i'm sure they'll do better, and it'll be more fun for all of us.
The only problem is that, they aren't hard. I know that 2 other teams are really good. They are "Heat," and "Wolfpack" and all of the teams they have should be in the next ranking up (beginner=intermediate) so forth and so on. My team has to play one of their advanced teams.!!!
We are going to have to play our best this year. By that I mean we need to set up our hits everytime (bump, set, spike) and we need to spike mercilessly. We need to hit them in the face, where they aren't at, and to the people who just hit it to mess them up. That must sound cruel and mean, but if we want to win we're going to have to be ruthless.
For the past 2 years, we've won the tourney in the beginner and intermediate group, so people are out to beat us. The annoying thing is the past 2 years, we've lost our star players. Last year we lost one guy, who could really pound the ball. In practice we had people actually drop to the ground to get out of the way. His serves really hurt. Not to mention his spikes. This guy spiked on me, and jammed my thumb in for around 2 weeks. And he got the spike over. Well enough about volleyball for now. I have another game tomorrow, and need to ice basically my entire left leg, because I kept hurting it. All of you that read this, have a great day, or next day. Cause this is the day that the Lord has made and you will rejoice and be glad in it :)

p.s. don't worry about the world coming to an end tomorrow, cause it's already tomorrow in Australia.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Knight's game

Last night I finally got to go to a Knight's game! It's been along time coming, I haven't gone to one of their games since........(pondering a moment) wow! almost 5 years. The last time was when I was still playing. GJ! to all who play on the Knights. I expected you to win. So thank you for my expectations to be correct.
Anywho I thought about joining the team this year. But I'm glad in some ways that I didn't cause I really would not have had the time to do all the things I want to. I know it would be fun, and I'd really get running endurance, (which is something I want) but I would've had to drop many many other things.
I'm also unhappy that I didn't join, cause I really did/do want to, and I know I would've had a blast. There are several peeps that I already know, but never get to see them anymore (you know who you are. on the + side I didn't have to drive two hours.) Well I'ma gonna go, cause I need lunch and need to study. I have many subjects, and projects due tomorrow. SYL all.


Well this happened awhile ago, but I thought it was cool beans..... So it's starts as a normal monday, with work in the morning, and then lunch, some school, then practice, lesson, then orchestra. But this starts at the lesson... So! I'm at my lesson, it's almost over when my orchestra partner calls my teacher to tell her that she's just going to skip this night.. I get told this and don't know what to think.. I mean it's gone through my mind that "Hey if she gets sick then I'll take her part and get to show off!" However..... that's not what happened. I realize WHOA, I haven't practiced her part, and haven't looked at the cadenza (for those who don't know what a cadenza it's a short solo in an orchestra piece which is for showing off that instrument) The last time I looked at that cadenza was around 4 or 5 months ago. and It's not the easiest thing to do. So I'm all panicky when I arrive at rehearsal, and set up and tune, and sit there. I talked to the conductor (Dr. Clinton, who is hard to describe, he will kid around some times, but you never want to talk back, or say or do anything that could annoy him. :0) I tell him that my partner isn't coming, and that I can play some of her parts but not all of them. So we start, and it gets time for me to play and I do. And I played it pretty well, and after I was done, he made the comment to the whole orchestra. He said "I thought that only one of them could do that!" Then he had me do it again, and started bragging about my partner and myself. About how we're always on time, and always tuned, and always know our parts. I was very pleased with that. And I'm thankful God helped through with it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


just a quick nothing blog.

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

No Comments?

Wow I didn't think that I could really scare everyone away with what I wrote. But it sure seems that that's what happened. I mean really I talk about something, that might be worthwhile to comment on(in my opinion) and no one wants to let there comment be seen. Well I don't expect to change anytime soon, cause I'm not abandoning my principles, or my thoughts. That just wouldn't be me. But anyone just feel free to leave a comment, I'm sure nothing bad will happen.

Now to change from that. Wow, it's really cold out............... Don't worry I'm not actually going to start talking about the weather, I'm not that old yet. I'm sitting right here, waiting for the impending clock to chime, signaling that I have to start up on something else, yet I don't want to go yet. I have nothing coming to mind about what to write. But I just want to keep typing/writing. I think I've truly gotten addicted to typing. I'm constantly strumming my fingers as if I were typing. Again WOW, I didn't think I could talk about something that useless, but I guess I proved myself wrong. (this is utterly random)I'd like anyone who reads this, to leave a comment on what they think their best feature is. I'm trying to go somewhere with this, but wherever I'm going it's undecided. Now for a really random quote. "The problem with remembering is one tends to forget." Yes me writing that was a significant step for mankind I'm sure. I think I need more coffee, that's it. I'm sleep deprived, and need more caffeine. But do not worry, I will not drink more than a doubleshot of expresso. AAAAAAHHH!!!! My mind is on fire, I don't know what to think about, what to write about!!!! My mind is seriously needing to do some deep philisophical thinking, about what? you might ask, that I will find out. And once I do, I might tell you all what I figured out, while thinking so hard. It's about time for another somewhat random comment. "I need a thinking cap" and now to let you all stop reading this, the clock is chiming so I must say chow.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Code Of Conduct

I am an American fighting man. I serve in
the forces which guard my country and our
way of life. I am prepared to give my life
in their defense.

I will never surrender of my own free will.
If in command, I will never surrender my
men while they still have the means to resist.

If I am captured I will continue to resist by
all means available. I will make every
effort to escape and aid others to escape.
I will accept neither parole nor special
favors from the enemy.

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep
faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give
no information nor take part in any action
which might be harmful to my comrades.
If I am senior, I will take command. If not,
I will obey the lawful orders of those ap-
pointed over me and will back them up in
every way.

When questioned, should I become a pris-
oner of war, I am required to give only
name, rank, service number, and date of
birth. I will evade answering further ques-
tions to the utmost of my ability. I will
make no oral or written statements dis-
loyal to my country and its allies or harm-
ful to their cause.

I will never forget that I am an American
fighting man, responsible for my actions,
and dedicated to the principles which made
my country free. I will trust in my God and
in the United States of America
I found that with some of my Grandfathers stuff. It lets me remember that upon a time, the name of God was allowed to be heard in the govornment.

New Years Day

Well I just want to start out by putting a praise song into this blog, I expect that I will prolly do this quite often.

"Thank You Lord"

verse #1
For all that you've done I will thank you
For all that you're going to do
For all that you've promised
And all that you are
Is all that has carried me through
Jesus I thank you

verse #2
And I thank you
Thank you Lord
And I thank you
Thank you Lord

verse #3
Thank you for loving and setting me free
Thank you for giving your life just for me
How I thank you
Jesus I thank you
Gratefully thank you
Thank you

verse #1

verse #2

verse #3

verse #3

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
I just love these words, because they're so true. This is one of my favorite songs. I pray that you will all take these words and use them to lift our Heavenly Father on high. He has done so much for us, and we fail to thank and rejoice in him daily. I realize that God shows us his awesome Glory everyday, but we pay no heed to it. He shows us in his creation, ourselves, and the blessings he is always sending to us. My brother told me about someone he met on a mission trip in Mexico. it was a woman he told me about, who was constantly cheerful, and one morning one of the guys on the trip was grumpy, cause it was really early. And he was complaining about how tired he was. She went up to him and said "This IS the day that the Lord has made and YOU WILL rejoice and be glad in it!" (psalms 118:24) And I thought that was really cool, because that's the attitude that everyone should have. I think that almost everyone(myself included) shouldn't let anything like us not getting enough sleep, or not doing or getting what we want get in the way of us rejoicing day by day with God about how wonderful the day that he created is. I really want to change my attitude, because it will be pleasing to God, and my attitude will not be in the way of him using me. Thank you Lord for today, and praise your worthy Name!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Years Eve

Well I am up in Tulsa right now, with my God parents, and my old dear church family. And it has been a joyous night. I'm very happy to be around them again. My God father has been teaching tonight about many things, right now I'm not going to try and write it all down, until I have studied my notes. But my spirit right now is content. All I want to do right now is praise the Lord God. He is soveriegn and in control of everything. Something I was told tonight is " Follow the Holy Spirit, whoever he's with, wherever he is, find him, find him for yourself." And that's what I plan to do, I pray that all of you do the same. I hope that none of you are uneasy about reading this, but I pray that it be a blessing in some way or another. I don't know God's plan for me, where he wants me to go, or what he wants me to do. But I ask that any of you that read this pray that he reveal his plan for me and that I trust in him alone. I pray that God blesses you all and that you follow him with your whole heart. In Jesus' mighty name.